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About Infracity Realtors

At Infracity Realtors, we understand the issues. We understand your needs, hopes, dreams and concerns. We know the laws and regulations. And the strings that come with them. We are familiar with the nuances in paper work, the terminology and processes that deal with the judiciary.
We have in-depth knowledge of all aspects of property development, services, sales, leases, acquisitions and maintenance of residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural properties. We know it inside out.
Call us. Now. We provide real estate services you need, when and where you need them. Our services are particularly specialized for non-resident investors whether outside Kerala or India.

Our Services

At Infracity Realtors, we understand the issues. We understand your needs, hopes, dreams and concerns. We know the laws and regulations. And the strings that come with them. We are familiar with the nuances in paper work, the terminology and processes that deal with the judiciary.
We have in-depth knowledge of all aspects of property development, services, sales, leases, acquisitions and maintenance of residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural properties. We know it inside out.
Call us. Now. We provide real estate services you need, when and where you need them. Our services are particularly specialized for non-resident investors whether outside Kerala or India.

Property Deals

We get the best deals for you in buying,selling and renting properties. We deal with all kinds of residential properties such as flats, plots, luxury apartments, penthouses, studios, duplex, row houses, town houses, bungalows, farmhouses and commercial properties such as land, offices, shops, retail showrooms, IT & industrial spaces, agricultural and non-agricultural lands for development.

Property Analysis

We provide comprehensive information on current property condition, area profile, cadastral maps, and market value to help you with your property appraisal. We give legal advice, architectural reports, vaastu reports, ground water analysis and ground quality reports.

Tenancy Management

For those who want an appreciating asset and passive income without the hassles of handling tenants, we offer complete tenancy management services that encompass locating tenants, tenant screening, lease and rental management, collecting and depositing rents, property inspection, repair and maintenance services.

Property Care?

We take care of your property. We guard it against property hazards, unauthorized occupations, land grabbing, etc. We offer personalized services that include site monitoring, physical inspection, fence construction, gardening, weeding and other property management services such as renovation and rebuilding. We also offer tax & bill payment facility. Wherever you are, your property is safe with us.

Portfolio Management

We give you professional advice on building a variety of real estate assets that form a perfect mix of properties that suit your financial goals within the stipulated budget..

Website Listings

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.

Online Services

Infracityrealtors maintains a huge database of builders, architects, developers, contractors, agents/brokers, artists, counselors, advisers, interior designers, material suppliers, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, painters, landscapers, etc. A lot more than you can ask for.

Expert Advice

We provide incisive analysis and insightful reports on the latest real estate happenings, market trends, local government rules and regulations and what's best for you in home loans. Discover exhaustive information on registration documents, legal forms, agreements, bank loans and taxation rules. Know what's hot and happening in real estate with our events and discussion forums.

Property For Sale

At Infracity Realtors, we understand the issues. We understand your needs, hopes, dreams and concerns. We know the laws and regulations. And the strings that come with them. We are familiar with the nuances in paper work, the terminology and processes that deal with the judiciary.
We have in-depth knowledge of all aspects of property development, services, sales, leases, acquisitions and maintenance of residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural properties. We know it inside out.
Call us. Now. We provide real estate services you need, when and where you need them. Our services are particularly specialized for non-resident investors whether outside Kerala or India.
